HR Services
We have experience in providing HR services for non-profits, construction, service industry and manufacturing in both union and non-union environments.
Human Resources Support
Interim HR leadership
If your business is in need of a full-time HR professional, we can assist you with HR services until your position is filled. We can also help you with recruiting, interviewing, and onboarding the new professional.
HR On-Call
Contact us about our HR services which can be customized to meet your specific needs. Service provided on-site and by phone.
Additional HR Support Services
If you have a New HR Professional in your organization or someone you are preparing to place into an HR role, we can schedule coaching sessions to assist in their transition and development.
If you have a time-consuming project and have no one to delegate the project work to, we can assist. Example: Handbook, Job Descriptions, Salary/Benefit surveys, Compensation plans, etc.
No matter how long you have been a Human Resources leader, it is always recommended to have another set of eyes to review or audit your culture, systems, processes, and procedures. We will set up a time to visit your workplace and after our review, will provide recommendations.
We can help organizational leaders understand the WHY of HR and the importance of HR as a business partner. We will illustrate how to utilize HR proactively and effectively to your best advantage.
Let us work with you to positively impact and increase employee retention and engagement while expediting the journey to peak job performance with effective onboarding processes.
Utilize us as a third-party for exit interviews. We can obtain valuable information to help your organization take corrective action and retain talent.
People Strategy
Behavioral Interviewing
Facilitate sessions for your front-line supervisors and leadership team, and all those in between, who have direct reports. Behavioral interviewing provides a consistent and legal process for hiring the best fit for the position. Recommend this be done in a 4-5 hour session.
This service includes a culture audit, stay-interviews, and building a practical strategy for retaining talent.
We can review effectiveness of performance evaluation systems and/or create processes if performance management is not in place. We can also train on how to effectively utilize systems included.
With focus on the struggles of “the here and now”, it is easy to lose sight of the future. We can help you minimize the risk of a hiccup or crevice in business continuity with succession planning for key roles.
Want input from team members that is focused on continuous improvement in their work area? We can facilitate problem-solving, probable causes, and lead a group to potential and then best solutions.
Did you know? The Quality Coach® is a certified SHRM Recertification provider! Click below to learn more about how you can stay up to date with The Quality Coach®.
Please contact Ellen Woodruff, Director of Client Experience, for more information regarding these services.