Employee Engagement
Discover what your employees need.
Organizational Culture
Culture develops as organizational values intersect with actions. Simply put, organizational values comes down to “how we do things around here.”
At the Quality Coach® we provide Culture training and development programs for organizations in every industry and of all sizes.
Employee Engagement Surveys
A well-crafted and customized survey that allows both quantitative (numerical ratings) and qualitative (their own descriptive words and examples) data can provide some unbelievable feedback results. Especially, when the survey is conducted in an anonymous nature. A successful survey includes a dedicated focus and skilled collection of the information, a motivating campaign for high participation, good analyzation, and collaboration with leadership in prioritizing opportunities for improvements. What the organization does with the results and how it is communicated to all employees is equally as important. We as humans want to know that our voices are heard and that improvements are put into action.
Our team provides well-orchestrated campaigns providing data analysis, benchmarking results, recommendations, and action planning.
Focus Groups
Focus groups are groups of employees focusing and placing their collective brain power on a specific challenge. A well facilitated focus group or series of focus groups can provide so many benefits. Focus groups are indeed another powerful method for feedback-whether employees are thoughtfully chosen or provided by volunteering.
Listening Tours
These tours are designed to meet with the key stakeholders to ask questions, hear concerns and identify challenges and opportunities. The tour allows for the opportunity to gain insightful perspectives from the employees and key stakeholders.
And yes, it is about listening, but it is also about full acknowledgement that employees have been heard. Acknowledging feedback is critical and we help facilitate communication around this component for successful and continuous outcomes.
For more information about employee engagement and Organizational Culture, contact The Quality Coach® owner and CEO, Dr. Brenda Bouse