Fall 2023 HRLF Recap- Emotional Health of the Employee
The Quality Coach® (TQC) recently sponsored a fall 2023 HRLF (Human Resources Leadership Forum) event at the beautiful Sunset Bluffs in Washington, Missouri catered by Mosaic Café. TQC hosts a fall and a spring session providing topics of interest and networking for those in Human Resources, Operations, Organizational Effectiveness and other leaders who are working with people.
The recent session had a draw of over 50 individuals representing a wide sector of businesses and organizations. The main speaker was Matt Gildehaus, LPC of Delta Life Counseling who spoke about Emotional Health of the Employee. Matt is a licensed professional counselor specializing in assisting individuals, couples or families with issues including: stress, anxiety, depression, trauma and relationship challenges. In addition, networking and roundtable sharings and discussions took place around the state of mental health in the current workforce.
TQC chose this topic because "we are seeing an increased level of HR and People leaders facing mental challenges within their workforce." stated Ellen Woodruff, The Quality Coach® Director of Client Experience.
According to SHRM job-related levels of mental health issues are alarming: A spring 2023 study found that 1 out of every 3 U.S. workers (33%) say their job has had a negative impact on their mental health during the past six months, such as creating feelings of being stressed, overwhelmed or anxious. The research shows younger workers are more likely to experience negative mental health impacts because of work.
“We found that work can function as both a risk factor and a protective factor for mental health,” explained Ragan Decker, Ph.D., lead researcher for SHRM. “There are increased expectations for mental health support in the workplace. Organizations that successfully create a workplace that supports mental health can reduce negative impacts and increase the positive impacts that work has on employee mental health.”
The Quality Coach® CEO Brenda Bouse shared the following regarding this important topic “TQC wanted to bring this issue to light and provide a space to learn collectively, gain resources and share together.” Guest speaker, Matt Gildehaus focused his presentation specifically on anxiety and how it has become more prevalent in our society, including the workplace setting. He shared that 40 Million American adults (about 18% of population) in a given year meet clinical anxiety disorder criteria and only 42.2% are receiving any type of treatment. He also shared that there is a huge direct cost to society overall, about $45 billion in costs per year are associated to anxiety alone which is about one third of all mental health expenditures. This figure did not represent the addition of lost productivity, unemployment and underemployment.
Matt also posed the question “Is anxiety being produced from environment versus heredity or a combination of both?” providing examples of each. He covered stress management ideas, alleviating the stigma, as well as the importance of providing a good support system.
“Is anxiety being produced from environment versus heredity or a combination of both?”
Two questions were posed to the tables: 1. ”In what ways do you see employee emotional health (problems/costs) showing up in your organization?” 2. “What steps are you already taking or considering, to better support your employees emotional health and reduce adverse effects?”
Lively conversations and sharing at the tables were had around these questions and then reported back to the group as whole. Everyone who registered for the HRLF received the presentation and transcripts of the final outcomes reported. In addition, 1.25 of SHRM pdc credits were available to earn for those who attended.
For more discussion with Matt regarding this critical and timely topic please email matt@lifedeltacounseling.com A huge thank you is extended to all who attended and provided great dialogue.